Love or hate the winter, I think we can all agree there is magic in a snowflake. There is something truly inspiring about the delicate symmetry of a single snowflake. What if you could harness this unique beauty (minus the cold) and use it in your decor?!
We have put together a collection of a few mirrors that use this idea of symmetry and reflections to create functional art for the home…
Howard Elliott Armonia Mirror view online >
Armonia Mirror
“Armonia” is Italian for the word harmony. The symmetry of the Armonia Mirror opens the imagination wide to a variety of installations. The intersecting lines and the beautiful beveled edges play off light and reflections at every angle. Whether singularly or in a well planned group, this design will become to valued asset to designers of all levels.
Howard Elliott Niobe Mirror view online >
Niobe Mirror
Our Niobe Mirror is the perfect example of functional art. It features a diamond shaped mirror that is made up of teardrop shaped mirrored tiles. The versatility of the piece allows it to work well on its own or grouped in multiples.
Howard Elliott Nina Mirror view online >
Nina Mirror
The Nina Mirror is a dazzling piece because it... well... dazzles! The entire small round piece is mirrored; frame and all. The main glass is then accented with glass crystal gems that offer the most amazing displays of light and reflection.
Howard Elliott Moira Mirror in setting designed by Fratantoni Lifestyles view online >
Moira Mirror
The Moria Mirror is a dazzling piece of geometric shapes. The piece is made up of a network of interlocking mirrored squares creating a lovely open work, lattice design. On its own or in multiples, the Moria Mirror is a perfect accent piece for any room.
Howard Elliott Lattice Mirror view online >
Lattice Mirror
The Lattice Mirror is a dazzling piece of curved, geometric shaped mirrored artwork. The piece is made up of a network of interlocking mirrored curvy shapes creating a lovely open work, lattice design.
Create your very own winter wonderland in your home with this selection of mirrors that embrace the unique design elements of the symmetry of a snowflake, while leaving the bone chilling cold - outside!